​1:1 Coaching, Transformation weekends, Live events and Masterminds.
At T1 Growth Academy, we offer a variety of customized services in English and Italian, to both Corporate and Private clients.
Our Mission is to forge Leaders, enhance employees' quality of life and empower people worldwide with the tools to become extraordinary, so that they discover their potential, walk a self-determined path, and serve others with the best version of themselves.

We use a Strategy in business, why not using it for our own lives?
Over the course of three months, we will plan six 1:1 Coaching sessions and we will laser-focus on:
When you overcome the mental limitations and have the right strategy and skills, nothing can stop you from achieving success and lasting fulfilment.

Listen to "Breaking Through" on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!
In this Podcast, we explore Mindset insights that will empower you to become a Leader of your destiny, never stop growing and live a more fulfilling life. We also give a voice to people with meaningful perspectives, so that we connect with depth and build a more inclusive and understanding world, one conversation at a time.

At T1 Growth Academy, we stand as a reminder that a breakthrough, for your life and for your business, is possible and we are the driving force behind this transformation.
We aim at being the best FOR the World, not only IN the World.
Join our Mission! Every time you work with us, we allocate part of our profits to leading worldwide organizations who advance a variety of social impact causes, such as Education, Health, and Human Rights.